Hey remember Aqua? Well they're back!(in pog form!...not really) But yeah, everyones favourite danish-dance-pop duo(?) is back from the abyss with "How R U Doin?"
It's not my cup of tea, but it definitely sounds like it would fit into any dance radio playlist next to Far East Movement or David Guetta. So, good for them! Well almost, but no. (!!!)
The Aqua I remember had this kinda of alternative campy twist on generic eurotrash dance music and embraced that image, especially in they're videos. Barbie Girl was catchy and the accompanying video was equally ridiculous, as were most of Aqua's other hits from back in the day like Dr Jones which was my personal fav.
How R U Doin? wreaks of mainstream conformity and simple for the sake of being simple lyrics that dont mean anything really. Just a catchy beat. NO campy ironic fun twists in either the song of the video. But I'm all for comebacks and I suppose if any genre of music need not have any deeper meaning, it's dance, so I hope they're find the success they are looking for.
Now lets all keep our fingers crossed for an Ace of Bass reunion.
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